A Dog Barking at the Moon
Coming back to her broken family, pregnant writer Huang Xiaoyu and her French husband, Benjamin, finds herself trapped between her cult brainwashed mother, Li Jiumei, and her secretly homosexual father, Huang Tao.
Casts & Crews:

Xiang Zi
The 69th Berlin International Film Festival Teddy Bear Award for Best Film (Nominated)
The 69th Berlin International Film Festival Teddy Bear Award Jury Award
The 43rd Hong Kong International Film Festival Rookie Film Competition Firebird Film Award (Chinese) (Nominated)
The 64th Cork Film Festival
2019 New York's LGBTQ Film Festival (Offical Selection)
2019 Los Angeles OUTFEST (Official Selection)
2019 Toronto LGBT Film Festival (Best First Feature)
The 20th Tbilisi International Film Festival
The 48th Kyiv International Film Festival (Offical Selection)
- 回答Zhang Ai Xiang
答: 选择久梅关灯是因为一个人不管有没有勇气,最终是要面对真实自我的。感谢观看与提问!
2. 回答cliff
答: 中文名《再见南屏晚钟》,英文名A Dog Barking at the Moon,确实很大不同,而且许多观众都问过,我也在不同场合回答过这个问题。其实不存在特意的设计,因为南屏晚钟的意境无法翻译才只能另起英文名A Dog Barking at the Moon。这也不是唯一一部中英片名不同的电影。上了年纪的国人大部分都听过《南屏晚钟》的不同版本 (电影中用的是崔萍原版),听到片名就能想到歌词,脑海中有相关画面浮现,而这对外国观众不适用。犬吠月是米罗的一副画作,看到这幅画就能明白为什么要用它做片名,因为在我看来这幅画作表达的主题是沟通,恰好照应了一部分影片中的情节。感谢观看与提问!
答: 感谢观看,鼓励和安利!只是做了力所能及的事情,禁不起这样的称赞。
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Casts & Crews

Xiang Zi