9th Chemi Disney Resort
Mainland China
Release Year: 2023
Release Year: 2023
Shixue back to 9th chemi, this is a three-line factory factory. For her, the factory is like her Disneyland, and the theme of this Disney is socialist industrialization. This Disney is about to disappear. What will be left?
Casts & Crews:

ZHANG Tianyu

ZHANG Shixue
Guizhou Dialect
Chinese, English
Festivals & Awards:
2022 Beijing International Short Film Festival, China
2022 Beijing International Short Film Festival, China
#China Third-line construction #collective memory # childhood paradise
Director‘s Statement:
In terms of the arrangement structure, the Disney metaphor serves as the main narrative thread. As an expression of thought, a boat is needed to carry this I smell to make people understand, this boat as a common meaning space. Like the metaphor of the cave, the whole fire the whole hole makes it clear. I personally tend to have a light sense of humor in the serious, easy to understand. Disney is full of songs and dances and places to play. There are a lot of classic songs. So I use songs from different eras to reflect a broader time span. From the structural arrangement, it is said that three generations of different structures. The last of these cities, created by decree, faded away like Macondo. The image content of the film mainly includes the content taken by mobile phones, aspiring, satellite images, decrypted spy satellite images, old photos of individuals, and personal memories. Zhi and satellite images are broader memories with photographs. Family images and personal memories are personal memories. These memories and proofs are far apart. These collective and individual memories converge on old pop songs that everyone sings.
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Casts & Crews

ZHANG Tianyu

ZHANG Shixue
Shixue back to 9th chemi, this is a three-line factory factory. For her, the factory is like her Disneyland, and the theme of this Disney is socialist industrialization. This Disney is about to disappear. What will be left?