A “Normal” Life
Hong Kong
Release Year: 2023
Release Year: 2023
A pig grows up in a “normal” way: gets basic education, does basic job, finds another heterosexual “normal” pig,raises little pigs up and asks children to duplicate own’s life …The pig lives a “normal” life just as the society required. But obedient pig is destined to be other’s meal. The powerful class's pigs are greedy and difficult to be satisfied. They just kill a “normal” pig for wasting. Unluckily, they have abundant resources. Only if ordinary pigs keep living “a normal life”.
Casts & Crews:

Yiwen CAO
Chinese, English
Festivals & Awards:
2024 Prague Independent Film Festival-Best Mini Short Film, Czech
2024 Prague Independent Film Festival-Best Mini Short Film, Czech
#AI, #Society, #Normal-Life
Director‘s Statement:
Everyone is afraid of being “Abnormal”. But what is “Normal”? The main social atmosphere asks us to live lives as our parents’: getting "normal" education, finding "normal" jobs, marrying "normal" people, having "normal" kids, and then keeping "normal" life pattern like eating, drinking, having sex and fun until die. But what’s difference from human to pig? Pigs also know how to eat, drink and have sex and fun. They just don't have that many conditions like human have. If you put a pig’s soul into a person’s body, it will also be obedient to the "normal" life pattern. But this "Normal" doesn't have human’s value. People live as commodities on factories’ producing lines. Many people live and die in vain, as slaves of the privilege. And they never recognize it, and regard this as “Normal”, even attack people who fight for them. How stupid and pathetic! In fact, we don’t just mock the “Normal” lifestyle. We just want people rethink whether they worth to be people. And find their own ways to make contribution to the earth planet, rather than waste their lives.
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Casts & Crews

Yiwen CAO
A pig grows up in a “normal” way: gets basic education, does basic job, finds another heterosexual “normal” pig,raises little pigs up and asks children to duplicate own’s life …The pig lives a “normal” life just as the society required. But obedient pig is destined to be other’s meal. The powerful class's pigs are greedy and difficult to be satisfied. They just kill a “normal” pig for wasting. Unluckily, they have abundant resources. Only if ordinary pigs keep living “a normal life”.