Falling From the Sky
Little-known Suining county lies directly in the path of falling debris from the Xichang Satellite Launching Base, one of three satellite launching bases in China. Ten times in the last 20 years, the county has been visited by dangerous "aliens from the skies": falling satellite debris that smashes into the tranquil lives of the 160,000 impoverished local inhabitants. In China, 2008 was both "the year of the Olympics" and "the year of space exploration". While the people of Suining, like their fellow countrymen and women, eagerly awaited the Olympic Games, their pride about Chinese development, particularly in terms of space exploration, was tempered by the fact that they had to endure falling wreckage from constant satellite launches.
Casts & Crews:
Zhang Zanbo
Zhang Zanbo: A Chinese Documentary Filmmaker Returns to His Roots Interview by The New York Times
Zhang Zanbo: a world opened by a broken camera a speech delivered by Zhang Zanbo
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Casts & Crews
Zhang Zanbo