Film Auteur Complete Collection 《电影作者》典藏合集
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Film Auteur Complete Collection 《电影作者》典藏合集
Film Auteur Complete Collections
《电影作者》是一本2012年至今,由若干独立电影人发起,专注于电影创作者的独立杂志。 每期杂志将呈现作者的制作经验、思想札记,生产作者间的对话,建设电影领域的内生话语及其实践理性,为促进创作交流及资讯分享而精心打造。所有编辑人员均为义务工作,每期会出版少量纸质印刷本杂志,仅供有需要的机构及个人(有偿)收藏交流。
"Film Auteur" is an independent magazine initiated by several independent filmmakers since 2012, focusing on film creators. Each issue presents the production experience and thought journals of the authors, fosters dialogue among creators, builds intrinsic discourse and practical rationality in the film field, and is meticulously crafted to promote creative exchange and information sharing. All editorial staff work on a voluntary basis, and a limited number of print copies are published for institutions and individuals who need them (for a fee) for collection and exchange.
We are pleased to present a grand launch of the collection of all 31 issues of "Film Auteur" from its inception in 2012 to the 2023 publication will be available for libraries, educational institutions, and academic researcher to acquire and collect. Total price $1025. Shipment will be made within one month after receiving the order, and the shipping time will be about one month depending on the shipping time from mainland China to the United States.