Have A Good Night
China Mainland
Release Year: 2019
Release Year: 2019
Publish Date: 18 March 2022 00:00:00 UTC
Working on his film to be submitted to film festivals, Yuhao returns to Chengdu during the Qingming Festival (the Chinese Ancestors’ Day). He is shooting a documentary about his same-sex lover, Hongyu, and himself. Accompanying Yuhao is Boxuan, the cameraman of this shoot.
Working on his film to be submitted to film festivals, Yuhao returns to Chengdu during the Qingming Festival (the Chinese Ancestors’ Day). He is shooting a documentary about his same-sex lover, Hongyu, and himself. Accompanying Yuhao is Boxuan, the cameraman of this shoot.
Casts & Crews:
Jiang Hongyu
Chinese, English
Festivals & Awards:
2020 Beijing Queer Film Festival (aka Love Queer Cinema Week), China 2022 Mulan International Film Festival , Canada 2021 D.C. Chinese Film Festival , U.S.A 2019 Inner Mongolia Youth Film Week , China
2020 Beijing Queer Film Festival (aka Love Queer Cinema Week), China 2022 Mulan International Film Festival , Canada 2021 D.C. Chinese Film Festival , U.S.A 2019 Inner Mongolia Youth Film Week , China
#Feature #love #Queer
Director‘s Statement:
This is a film about “insecure”. I put most of my personal feelings about my love life into this film. I was trying to explore the insecurity hidden deeply in people’s heart. This is a story only about people being in a relationship, no matter who you are. I just want to tell a story about people hurting each other under the name of love. This film might be a joke, a self-reflection or maybe even a fraud, or a poem of love. I wish people who are capable of love, after seeing this film, could have a good night.
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王崇溪 at 2022-06-21
GhostFace at 2022-06-06
莉莉 at 2022-06-06
zm at 2022-04-30
8.4 视点寻常所以格外亲切,而低对比度的黑白画面,景深与景别的自然切换为作品浸染沉郁的质感。前半部分真的掌控得极好,以至于纵观下来,颇有高开低走之感。正因为设置了寡言而生分的摄影师在场,让尴尬、表演、纪实三者融为一体,难舍难分,作品因此成立而可信,那种难以言喻的化学反应生成了独特的气氛与观感。最让人惊叹的是,导演/双男主并非LGBTQ,当取向的壁垒被击破,这人和人之间情感与生活的基底又有什么分明的区别呢。明天就是世界睡眠日了,但愿你我都能放下纷扰,安然入睡。
YoungQ at 2022-03-19
Casts & Crews
Jiang Hongyu
Working on his film to be submitted to film festivals, Yuhao returns to Chengdu during the Qingming Festival (the Chinese Ancestors’ Day). He is shooting a documentary about his same-sex lover, Hongyu, and himself. Accompanying Yuhao is Boxuan, the cameraman of this shoot.