Bia Lee

Bia Lee

Bia Lee

Bia Lee is a 24 years old Korean brazilian amateur filmmaker and video-artist, also a full-time psychology major student based in São Paulo, Brazil. She/they works (plays) mostly with experimental, erotic and documentary stuff, as seen in Forefinger (2015), To Melt (2016), Her POV (2016) and Closeted Lesbian (2020), that were shown in film festivals in Brazil and abroad (e.g. Kreivės / Vilnius Queer Festival - Lithuania, International Videoart Festival Madrid - Spain, and Montreal Underground Film Festival - Canada).
Closeted Lesbian, specifically, was selected to festivals like Wicked Queer: The Boston LGBTQ+ Film Festival - US, GAZE International LGBTQ+ Film Festival - Ireland, Davis Feminist Film Festival - US, Porny Days Film Art Festival - Switzerland, Porn Film Festival Vienna - Austria, and more.
This is the first time her work was accepted in Asian – and she couldn’t be happier.

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