Francesco Di Giuseppe
Francesco Di Giuseppe
Francesco Di Giuseppe was born on February 4, 1997 in Palermo. In 2020 he obtained the 1st level Academic Diploma in piano at the Alessandro Scarlatti Conservatory of Palermo in the class of maestro Gennaro Pesce. His accomplishments in the field of art, apart from those in music, is also the result of his extensive and long-lasting theatrical experience which began from 2014 with Elisa Parrinello's Compagnia del Teatro Ditirammu, working with artists such as Moni Ovadia and Mario Incudine with whom he had the opportunity to limestone stages such as those of the Teatro Biondo in Palermo and the Ancient Theater of Taormina. At the beginning of 2019 he won an Erasmus scholarship at the Conservatori Superior de Música Joaquín Rodrigo in Valencia, where he lived almost six months and had the opportunity to learn the Spanish and get to know the culture of that country. In November 2019 he began to study film for the first time with Piano Focale school directed by Giuseppe Gigliorosso, from whom he learned the basic language of cinema, rediscovering, with the help and support of teachers, his passion and the talent for this art. In the April of 2020 he made the short movie "Quarantine Lapse - a self-portrait on quarantine", participating in A casa con Oberon Media, a short film festival, in which he was selected among the top ten at national level. In the summer of 2020 he was the assistant to the direction of the short movie made by the director Gigi Borruso entitled "Rosalia a Danisinni". In October 2020 he made the short film "Marcello" produced by Piano Focale and Eikona Film and in the same month he moved to Warsaw to attend his first year of the master's degree in accompanist pianist at Uniwersytet Muzyczny Fryderyka Chopina as an Erasmus student.