Guan Tian

Guan Tian

Guan Tian

Tian Guan is a Chinese writer and director based in Beijing. He majored in theatre directing in college and earned his MFA degrees in film production from Syracuse University and CalArts. As a filmmaker, Tian likes to explore the power shift between individuals and social groups. His short films have screened widely at international film festivals, including Montreal World Film Festival, Slamdance Film Festival, Palm Springs Film Festival, DokuFest, New Orleans Film Festival, LA Shorts Film Fest, etc. His works have received awards at the Warsaw Film Festival, LA Film Fest, Leeds Film Festival, Gijon Film Festival, San Diego Asian Film Festival, etc. The film DRAMA was collected by John Hopkins University MICA Film Center. Tian is currently working on his first feature script Poison Cat which was selected by HAF Film Lab, FIRST Feature Lab, FISRT Film Market and EAVE Ties That Bind Workshop.

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