The Crack
Release Year: 2002
The content of THE CRACK is different from other Cultural Revolution films in that it not only depicts three generations of Xiangyang's family suffering from Chinese Stockholm Syndrome as a result of political suppression and reform, but also portrays the process of "sexual perversion" and "fear of sex" in the encounters of the child Xiangyang during the "shoe-breaking fight" and "catching of hooligans". As the child Xiang Yang grew into the middle-aged Xiang Yang, his condition became more and more serious, and he finally died in a long-term "sexual fantasy self-mutilation disorder". Instead of dying of "sexual perversion", Xiang Yang died on his way to escape the Stockholm phobia.
Casts & Crews:

Li Wake
2002 Singapore International Film Festival, Singapore
At the end of the 70s, a young worker named Xiang Yang took advantage of his work to drill his left hand with a crank drill, and took the opportunity of his work injury leave to practice painting, with the intention of entering the Academy of Fine Arts. Once he went to a friend's art academy for sketching, a female model evoked his memories of the past: the violent Cultural Revolution movement classified normal male-female relationships as serious class relationships; women were not allowed to wear skirts and high heels, and could not wear long or curly hair; men could only wear grey-toned clothes, except for the red badge and the red cufflinks. Otherwise, men and women who broke the taboo would be treated as hooligans and broken shoes, criticised and stigmatised, and stamped on with 10,000 more feet!
Dominated by their natural nature, hundreds of millions of people, like Xiang Yang, would rather eat less than squeeze out money to watch the foreign proletarian revolutionary film Lenin in 1918 over and over again. Because of the one-minute ballet "Swan Lake" in the film, the 15-year-old Xiang Yang was enlightened by beauty. When he learnt that human beings, like rabbits, were born from a male and a female, he felt ashamed! It's too hooligan! Therefore, the "broken shoes", which are not rogues at all, became an eternal mystery in his life ......
In the 21st century, the spirit of the Chinese people has been liberated, and Xiang Yang took the opportunity to look for "broken shoes" in more and more TV programmes and CDs ......
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Casts & Crews

Li Wake