What We Talk About When We Talk About Football
These are conversations I had with four football partners respectively on the way to the football field,on the way back from the football field,on the way to class,on the way to the bar. The content revolves around freedom,love, meanings of life and so on, which is mainly about their views on the life situation of themselves.
Casts & Crews:

Song Qi
After 25, I felt myself getting involved in the state of accelerated growth unwillingly. Peers around me have completed the tasks of getting married, having children and establishing their own social circle within a few years.Many people seem to have been pushed forward by an invisible hand.At moment, the self-reflection of desire becomes the first priority in my daily life. Some people fear loneliness and long for accompany while others fear to be tied to some certain relationships.Some people are thrilled about stepping into the world to enrich their experience while others tend to enjoy rolling into the wolrd named ' the Past' seeking for the sense of security.
In this video, I come to my four football patners with some discussions.which include death, love, powerlessness of life,inner conflicts and meanings of life.
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Casts & Crews

Song Qi