Ferry Chronicle - He Family
Release Year:
At the end of the 1990s, about 40-50 million industrial workers were laid off in China, and the family population involved was hundreds of millions. He Guoping was one of them. After he was laid off, his wife opened a rental house. He became the "housekeeper" who cooks and cooks every day. His son He Huan was also raised by a playful child. Twenty years of follow-up shooting of this ordinary family, this continued "presence", the film has a time tentacle of "seeing the growth of grass". Some people say that this is a "civilian epic".
At the end of the 1990s, about 40-50 million industrial workers were laid off in China, and the family population involved was hundreds of millions. He Guoping was one of them. After he was laid off, his wife opened a rental house. He became the "housekeeper" who cooks and cooks every day. His son He Huan was also raised by a playful child. Twenty years of follow-up shooting of this ordinary family, this continued "presence", the film has a time tentacle of "seeing the growth of grass". Some people say that this is a "civilian epic".
Casts & Crews:
Guo Xizhi
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Petra at 2021-11-19
Ryan at 2021-07-25
开拍时我还没出生,但多少年过去了,乡音一点不曾改变。第一次看关于自己家乡的纪录片,既熟悉又陌生。熟悉的是风土人情 ,陌生在于拍摄点是江南,我很少去。身处江北的我,还是内陆,从有记忆开始,就是修桥建路,河道两旁停满了木舟,没人动;灯塔也因年久失修,成了废墟。98年贺家劳动力下岗,08年贺家老人在大雪纷飞间去世,12年老贺安息。到18年拍摄结束,再回望过去二十年生活,我大概是那要小个十岁的贺家孩子。
shayufeng at 2020-05-21
Casts & Crews
Guo Xizhi
At the end of the 1990s, about 40-50 million industrial workers were laid off in China, and the family population involved was hundreds of millions. He Guoping was one of them. After he was laid off, his wife opened a rental house. He became the "housekeeper" who cooks and cooks every day. His son He Huan was also raised by a playful child. Twenty years of follow-up shooting of this ordinary family, this continued "presence", the film has a time tentacle of "seeing the growth of grass". Some people say that this is a "civilian epic".